Photography & Well-being Workshops
There are a series of workshops over 4 weeks, each lasting two hours, where we will be exploring photography and how it can help improve our physical and mental well-being. The workshops will be fun and friendly and aimed at all abilities. Everyone, over 18 years is welcome to join in. You can use any photography device, be that a mobile phone, iPad or camera, and if you don't have one we can provide them. The workshops will involve some walking around the local area as a group taking photographs, as well as photographing inside and learning different photo techniques. These courses are completely free - funded by the AWC Community Health Grant. You can self refer to these workshops or be socially prescribed via your local health care professional/social prescriber.
Benefits of our Well-being Workshops
Contact Us
If you would like to get involved please contact us on 07904528803 / email us hello@keighleyphotohub,com or complete the form below!